The one-to-one lessons are focusing on sound, volume and vocal range. Nothing else can replace a solid voice training and breathing techniques, as well as the development of an individual repertoire. The sound ideal of each genre places very special demands on the use of the singing voice. These specifics are taught in addition to the vocal technique basics and the dealing with the lyrics (prosody).A conscious coaching of the singer-friendly settings, individually related to posture, expression, vocal technique and performance of the selected songs, leads to quick success. Singing also requires the conscious perception and use of basic mental processes and performances, such as sensations, imagination, mindfulness, memory, and emotions.Extensive sheet music material, as well as several hundred original and playback recordings facilitate the selection of the repertoire that suits the personality and objectives.Years of training and education in the different teaching techniques (Speech Level Singing, Estill Voice Training, etc.) help to find the optimal way to lead each of my students within a very short time to the desired goal. Dates by appointment!