You would like to learn singing, but you haven't any time or money?
There's no music- and/or singing-teacher in you hometown?
You are single mother or father and you'd like to sing a little bit without searching a babysitter?
You'd like to advance your voice, your way of interpretation and improvisation?
Than the "Step by Step Online-Lessons" could be the right choose for you...
There are lots of online-lessons in internet, or you can by some lesson-DVD's - but there is no real contact between student and teacher. With the "Step by Step Online-Lesson" you have a chance of realtime communication.
All you need is a (good) webcam and a computer with DSL-internet-connection Naturally an online-lesson is not the same as real personal-training, but it's an optimal aid, when there's no possibility for a meeting. Give the "Online-Lessons" a try - the first lesson is for free!
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